Dear friends of the Fördertechnik Museum,
The Förderverein “Erlebnismuseum Fördertechnik e.V.” is delighted to finally be able to continue its own series of guest lectures.
We want to start next week with a topic that has recently gained a lot of relevance.
Opportunities and risks of AI – for the economy, the world of work and society
The lecture will take place on
At 18:00
in the Fördertechnik Museum (seminar room)
will take place.
It will highlight the opportunities and risks that arise from the breathtaking speed of AI. In particular, it will look at the technical developments that are currently taking place and how these are already – in concrete case studies – affecting the on the world of work and the economy. The presentation will also provide suggestions as to what can be expected in the coming years and what conclusions everyone can draw for themselves today.
About the guest speaker:
Robert Szilinski is an expert in transformation and a passionate entrepreneur. As a digital thought leader, he is passionate about innovation in companies and is primarily concerned with new working environments and the use of technology for the benefit of people.
He is convinced that transformations are most effective when we look at them holistically and sustainably in addition to economic aspects – he is particularly concerned about the well-being of interpersonal relationships and our society.
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